Delphix lab exercises for use with LabAlchemy hands-on labs
At the end of this lab exercise, you will have a fully functional system for creating masked copies of Postgres data. This lab starts from scratch, which is perhaps a bit unrealistic but allows for covering Delphix and Postgres in a sufficient level of detail. There are some exercises, of course, that are done for the sake of this seeming like a realistic system. These would be left out when a customer already has a running system.
Relevant Host Access Info
Target Environment | IP Address | User | Purpose |
Source | | centos | Source database |
Staging | | centos | Staging server and masking |
Target | | centos | Target/copy databases |
Relevant Network Info
To begin, please do the following:
Engine Version
Ensure the engine is running the latest version of Delphix. The latest can be found at
Install Plugin
Support for Postgres requires the installation of the latest plugin. This plugin tells the Delphix Engine how to discover Postgres instances and provide virtual copies.
This will now show "PostgresDB" as an additional supported plugin.
Real deployments of Delphix will have an existing source and source database. Since we're setting up a demo system, we need to configure the source system (like our customers), the source database (somewhat like customers) and create data (not like customers).
Ensure the system is configured correctly.
Access the source environment, this IP is matching what you see above:
ssh -i ~/internal/dxkey centos@
Check that the OS version is supported. Supported versions can be found on the Postgres Support Matrix on Assuming you're using CentOS:
cat /etc/centos-release
CentOS must be 7.4 or greater, depending on the specific Postgres version (below)
Check to see if Postgres is running:
ps -A | grep postgres
(Assuming Postgres is not running, if it is, skip ahead). Switch to root and either add the postgres user or reset its password to "postgres". Linux will complain about the password choice, but ignore it.
sudo su -
passwd postgres
(set password as "postgres")
Set up directories and change users
mkdir /usr/local/pgsql/data -p
chown postgres /usr/local/pgsql/data
su - postgres
Initialize Postgres
pg_ctl init -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
Start Postgres
pg_ctl start -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -l logfile
Make Toolkit Directory
As the centos user (if you're still using the "postgres" user, you may use "exit" to transition), create the directory for the Delphix toolkit
sudo mkdir /opt/delphix
Assign ownership to the "postgres" user
sudo chown postgres /opt/delphix/
sudo chmod 770 /opt/delphix/
Create a role
If you are not already using the "postgres" user, switch to the "postgres" user (password, set before, is "postgres").
su - postgres
Start using psql
Review existing roles. The role "delphix" should not exist.
select rolname from pg_roles;
Will return something like:
Create a delphix role:
create role delphix superuser login replication password 'delphix';
Validate that the role exists now:
select rolname from pg_roles;
Exit the client
Edit the Postgres Configuration File
Edit the postgres.conf file: Here we will enable remote listeners. As the root user:
vi /usr/local/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf
Enable remote connections. Find the line that starts with "listen_addresses" and set this to all by:
Ensure "port" is in the file (may remain commented)
#port = 5432
Set the amount of data that is recorded in the write-ahead logs. In the Write-ahead log section, set wal_level to logical
wal_level = logical
If the number is low, Increase concurrent connections by four. In the replication section, set "max_wal_senders" by four. Setting to 10 should be sufficient.
max_wal_senders = 10
Save the file
Edit the PG_HBA file
Edit the pg_hba.conf file to allow client connections from the Delphix Engine, the staging
vi /usr/local/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
Add five lines to the bottom of the file. This allows connectivity from the Delphix Engine, the staging server and the jump box on lines 2-4.
#Delphix Connections
host all delphix trust
host all delphix trust
host all delphix trust
host replication delphix trust
Restart Postgres
Switch to the postgres user
su - postgres
As the user "postgres"
pg_ctl restart -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -l logfile
We may choose to start and stop our lab. Rather than going through the process of starting Postgres each time, we'll create a rule to ensure that Postgres is started when the system does.
As centos, change directories:
cd /etc/systemd/system
Create a new file for our rule:
sudo touch postgresql.service
Set the proper permissions
sudo chmod 644 postgresql.service
Edit the file:
sudo vi postgresql.service
Enter the following information and save the file:
Description=PostgreSQL Database Server
ExecStart=/usr/pgsql-11/bin/postgres -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
Reload systemctl
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Enable our script to run at startup:
sudo systemctl enable postgresql
If you wish this prove this works, restart your lab class and check that Postgres is running by running:
ps -A | grep postgres
For this exercise to be interesting, we must have data in our source database. The following scripts will create two tables of data in the default Postgres database. This is assuming that you've kept the standard names and passwords.
java -jar dbmanager.jar setupdb jdbc:postgresql:// --table DEMO_TABLE_1?rows=5?orderby=id:ASCENDING --columns DEMO_TABLE_1:SEQUENCE?name=id,FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME,SSN --table DEMO_TABLE_2?rows=5 --columns DEMO_TABLE_2:CREDIT_CARD,TIMESTAMP?name=birthday?sequence=RANDOM --outputdb demo.cfg
java -jar dbmanager.jar createtables jdbc:postgresql:// --inputdb ./demo.cfg
java -jar dbmanager.jar insertrows jdbc:postgresql:// --inputdb ./demo.cfg --setrows 10000000
Note, the last step, inserting ten million rows into two tables will take a few minutes. Time for coffee.
The basic configuration for the staging host is the same as the source.
Access the environment, this IP is matching what you see above:
ssh -i ~/internal/dxkey centos@
Check OS version is supported. Assuming CentOS:
cat /etc/centos-release
CentOS must be 7.4 or greater, depending on the specific Postgres version (below)
Check to see if Postgres is running:
ps -A | grep postgres
(Assuming Postgres is not running, if it is, skip ahead). Switch to root and either add the "postgres" user or reset its password to "postgres". Linux will complain about the password choice but ignore it.
sudo su -
passwd postgres
(set password as "postgres")
Set up directories and change users
mkdir /usr/local/pgsql/data -p
chown postgres /usr/local/pgsql/data
su - postgres
Initialize Postgres
pg_ctl init -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
Start Postgres
pg_ctl start -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -l logfile
Make Toolkit Directory
As the centos user, create the directory for the Delphix toolkit
sudo mkdir /opt/delphix
Assign ownership to the "postgres" user
sudo chown postgres /opt/delphix/
sudo chmod 770 /opt/delphix/
sudo chgrp postgres /opt/delphix/
(Perhaps finish this later) SET Environment Variables
Validate Permissions
The operating system user must have read and execute privileges on the PostgreSQL binaries installed on the target environment. Run the fully query and ensure the last three letters match (r-x):
ls -ld /usr/pgsql-11/bin
The "postgres" user must have permission to run mount and umount as the superuser via sudo with neither a password nor a TTY. Edit the sudoers file and uncomment the line allowing people in group "wheel" to run all commands
sudo visudo
Add "postgres" to the wheel group:
sudo usermod -aG wheel postgres
Ensure the direction /mnt exists and has read/write/execute access for others:
sudo chmod o+w /mnt
Ensure the "postgres" user has access to the toolkit directory
sudo chmod o+rwx /opt/delphix/
As the "postgres" user on the staging server, edit the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file and paste the key from the engine:
vi ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
It should look like:
Run the following to allow only the file's owner to read and write to it:
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Run the following to restrict access to the user's home directory:
chmod 755 ~
Back on the Delphix Engine, enter the toolkit path (whatever you specified above)
Follow the same steps as configuring the staging host, but with the IP address
Before creating (one or more) copies of the source database, we need to create the Delphix-managed version, which we call the staging copy. This is managed on the staging host and will get data from the source via replication.
Establish the Installation
Add a dSource
The objective of Delphix virtualization is to provide easy access to virtualized databases that resemble production and other data systems. Here, we provision a Virtual Database (VDB). VDBs are fully functional database images that can be created from dSources.