Target Requirements
Key Requirements
O/S User / Privileges
- Delphix O/S user which is identical to the cassandra software installer O/S user. Script to create Delphix O/S user:
- Delphix O/S user must have read and execute privileges on:
- Cassandra Install Path: Location where software binaries are installed.
- The Cassandra installation on the target environment must have the same version as the staging environment.
- In case of multi-node VDB setup on different target hosts:
- The delphix o/s user configuration should be identical on all additional hosts, the uid & gid should be similar. Cassandra binaries should be installed on identical locations. Example:
- If on primary node, the Cassandra binary is available at
- On all additional nodes, the binary of same version should be present at same location (i.e.
- In case of multi-node VDB setup on different target hosts:
- There must be a directory on the target environment where you can install the Delphix Plugin. This directory should have 2GB of available storage.
- Empty folder on host to mount nfs filesystem. This is just and empty folder with no space requirements and act as base folder for nfs mounts.
- Please ensure any login banners similar to the one in the image below must be disabled on the target host.
- The Delphix OS user account requires privilege elevation specifications.
Here is an example specification for the
privileges for mount, umount, ip on the staging host.Defaults:delphix !requiretty delphix ALL=NOPASSWD:/bin/mount,/bin/umount,/sbin/ip
- Install the OS utilities on the target host to ensuring smooth execution of automated processes.
- expect : The utility plays a crucial role in automating interactive processes on the target host.