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Target environment

  1. Couchbase binaries installed and configured:

    • disable a auto start using OS services

      systemctl disable couchbase-server.service
      systemctl stop couchbase-server.service

  2. Regular o/s user - ex. delphix_os

  3. Add OS user to couchbase OS group
  4. Empty folder on host to hold delphix toolkit [ approximate 2GB free space ].
  5. Empty folder on host to mount nfs filesystem. This is just an empty folder with no space requirements and acts as a base folder for NFS mounts.
  6. sudo privileges for mount and umount. See sample below assuming delphix_os is used as delphix user.
    Defaults:delphixos !requiretty
    delphixos ALL=NOPASSWD: \ 
    /bin/mount, /bin/umount
  7. If Couchbase service is installed using couchbase user, Delphix OS user ex. delphix_os has to be able to run any command as couchbase using sudo
    delphix_os ALL=(couchbase) NOPASSWD: ALL
  8. Additional Utilities required on staging host:
    • expect