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dSource Parameters

Parameter Description dSource Type
DSource Type The type of dSource based on the type of database restore Seed, AWS_S3, Disk
Mount Path in Staging Server Mount Path in Staging Server Seed, AWS_S3, Disk
IP Address / Hostname of the Staging Cluster IP Address / Hostname of the interface for the staging Cluster Seed, AWS_S3, Disk
Staging CockroachDB Port Number Staging DB port for cluster’s inter-node communication Seed, AWS_S3, Disk
Staging CockroachDB Console Port Number Staging Console port for HTTP requests Seed, AWS_S3, Disk
CockroachDB Backup’s Subdirectory Path CockroachDB Backup’s Subdirectory Absolute Path where backups are located AWS_S3, Disk
CockroachDB Backup’s Directory Path Staging host’s Absolute path where CockroachDB backups are located Disk
CockroachDB Backup’s Bucket or Container Name Storage bucket or container name including absolute path where CockroachDB backups are located AWS_S3
Account Name or Access Key Specify an account access name or key associated with object storage holding CockroachDB backups. AWS_S3
Account Secret Access Key Specify the account secret access key associated with account name field. This is essentially the password that gives access to CockroachDB backups. AWS_S3
Secure Mode Option to run the CockroachDB server in secure mode Seed, AWS_S3, Disk
Certificate directory path The absolute path to the certificate directory, it must have valid certificates containing the IP address or hostname for the CockroachDB server Seed, AWS_S3, Disk
CockroachDB Cluster Node Count Number of nodes that consists of Staging CockroachDB cluster. Minimum: 3 and Maximum: 9 Seed, AWS_S3, Disk
CockroachDB Parameters Additional CockroachDB configuration parameters to start the CockroachDB cluster Seed, AWS_S3, Disk
Parameter Name CockroachDB Cluster configuration parameter name Seed, AWS_S3, Disk
Parameter Value CockroachDB Cluster configuration parameter value Seed, AWS_S3, Disk