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Upgrade Plugin

Periodic upgrade of plugin is required to

  • Avail new features
  • Bugfixes
  • Stay in compliance
  • Stay Compatible with upgraded delphix data platform.

Plugin upgrade need to be done in a order from current version to desired version sequentially.
Below is the sample path from lowest to highest version. Depending on current version, follow the path to next version in sequence.

1.0.0 -> 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2 -> 1.1.0 -> 1.2.0 -> 1.3.0

Upgrade need to be done in sequence without skipping intermediate version. It can be done one after another in same session.
Note: There is no downtime required for dSources.

Things to consider during plugin upgrade:

  • $MONGO_REPO_CFGFILE file update with plugin upgrade:
    • After uploading 1.1.0 MongoDB Plugin, specify the MongoDB database tools path in $MONGO_REPO_CFGFILE.
    • After uploading 1.2.0 MongoDB Plugin, specify all relevant paths for mongosh/mongo, mongod, mongorestore, mongodump, mongosync in $MONGO_REPO_CFGFILE.
    • After uploading 1.2.1 MongoDB Plugin, replace the Legacy mongo shell with the mongosh shell on the staging and target environments, to make benefit of more shell features like MongoDB node.js driver support. Once done, do Refresh the environments before executing any operation.
    • For more information, refer Discovery section.
  • Upload plugin - refresh all environments and ensure plugin discovery is completed successfully.
  • Enable all datasets and take a new snapshot.