We’ve triggered an automated build of Patients Pipeline again. This time the Package Database Object Changes should complete successfully. The complete process can take around 4-8 minutes.

Here is the sequence of automation:

  1. Jenkins is notified via a git post_update hook.
  2. Jenkins executes the Patients Pipeline job against the develop branch, which does the following against our Patients Dev:
    • an Ansible role to compile the application
    • a Delphix job to refresh the development data pod
    • a Datical job to analyze and package the database object changes from our committed SQL scripts
    • a Datical job to forecast and deploy the packaged changes
    • an Ansible role to deploy the application


  1. Bring Chrome to the foreground
  2. Click on the Jenkins bookmark
  3. Click on Patients Pipeline

  4. You should see your build running. You can identify it by your commit message. Click that line.

  5. OPTIONAL: Since our last build was halted before data was changed, we can skip the refresh this time:
    1. login to the Jenkins instance (credentials)

    2. When the build gets to the Refresh Data Pod stage, click Abort on the menu prompt.

  6. The build will complete successfully, with all green checkmarks this time.