Alright, our build was successful! We should now see the Notes field present. We will also add a new Patient to validate our new feature works.


  1. Bring Chrome to the foreground
  2. Click on the Patients DEV button on the bookmark bar.
  3. Log in to the development instance of the Patients application using credentials

  4. If you logged in successfully, you should see a list of patients in your browser

  5. Enter the silly city name from the earlier scene into the search field

  6. Click the view icon (outlined in yellow above) for one of the patients and inspect the record. You should see the notes field.

  7. Click the edit icon (pencil) at the top of the record and add a custom note. Then save the record to validate our feature works.

  8. Repeat steps 3 & 4 for the same patient and validate your note is present.