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Couchbase plugin is developed to virtualize Couchbase data source. The ingestion (synchronization process) leveraging the following built-in Couchbase technologies depends on the Couchbase Edition:

  • Community Edition:

    • Cross Data Center Replication (XDCR)
  • Enterprise Edition:

    • existing backup manged by cbbackupmgr tool (Zero production touch ingestion)
    • Cross Data Center Replication (XDCR)

Cross Data Center Replication (XDCR)

Cross Data Center Replication is a method to replicate date between source and target bucket. Plugin is automatically setting up an one way replication from a production Couchbase cluster to a staging Couchbase cluster created by Delphix Enging during a dSource ingestion. Replication to staging server will be added to the existing list of replication and it will be managed by plugin itself.

link to official XDCR documentation

Exiting backup ingestion ( cbbackupmgr )

Couchbase Enterprise Edition is providing an additional tool called cbbackupmgr. This tool can be leveraged to protect a production Couchbase cluster and an existing backup will be used to create a staging server. This method allow cloning a production Couchbase cluster without touching a production server by Delphix Engine nor staging server. In zero production touch setup staging server has to have access to cbbackupmgr archive folder and repository.

link to official cbbackupmgr documentation

Architecture diagrams

Ingestion using XDCR

Architecture for XDRC

Ingestion using backup

Architecture for cbbackupmgr