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Staging environment

  1. Couchbase binaries installed and configured:

    • disable a auto start using OS services

      systemctl disable couchbase-server.service
      systemctl stop couchbase-server.service

  2. Regular o/s user - ex. delphix_os

  3. Add OS user to couchbase OS group
  4. Empty folder on host to hold delphix toolkit [ approximate 2GB free space ].
  5. Empty folder on host to mount nfs filesystem. This is just an empty folder with no space requirements and acts as a base folder for NFS mounts.
  6. sudo privileges for mount and umount. See sample below assuming delphix_os is used as delphix user.
    Defaults:delphixos !requiretty
    delphixos ALL=NOPASSWD: \ 
    /bin/mount, /bin/umount
  7. If Couchbase service is installed using couchbase user, Delphix OS user ex. delphix_os has to be able to run any command as couchbase using sudo
    delphix_os ALL=(couchbase) NOPASSWD: ALL
  8. Additional Utilities required on staging host:
    • expect

Additional prerequisites for XDCR ingestion

Production Couchbase database user with the following provileges


If source is a Community Edition, a production Couchbase database user has to be a full admin privilege to be able to create and monitor XDCR replication

Additional prerequisites for backup ingestion

Access to an existing backup on the staging server. If access is provided over NFS to an existing backup (ex. mount path is /u01/couchbase_backup ) and repository is called PROD the following command have to succeed:

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr config --archive /u01/couchbase_backup --repo PROD

If a new backup will configured on the staging host, the following commands should be executed. Ex. backup location /u01/couchbase_backup, repository name delphix

  • Create config file using the following command. This file will be required at the time of dSource creation using CBBACKUPMGR.
    /opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr config --archive /u01/couchbase_backup --repo delphix

  • Bring backup of the production system:

    • Copy an existing backup
    • Backup from source host into backup directory of staging host
      /opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr backup -a /u01/couchbase_backup -r delphix -c couchbase://<production server> -u user -p password