Self Service in the Delphix DDP provides software builders (Dev, Test, etc) with the ability to simply find, select, and provision the data they need, when they need it. The Delphix DDP also provides many other powerful self service controls, some of which will be covered in later scenes.

In this scene, we will login to the DDP self service and watch the population of the data repo as the job from the previous scene is completed.


  1. Bring the Delphix Engine tab to the foreground
  2. Logout, if you are currently logged in.
  3. Login as the dev user. The password is delphix

  4. If this is your first login, you will be prompted to change the password. Set the password to delphix

  5. You should now be in the Data Operations screen. Click on Develop

  6. You should now see the timeline for Develop data pod. Click on the Bookmarks button.

  7. Click Available (in yellow rectangle). You might not see anything at the moment, but as the Data Pipeline build progresses, you will see new bookmarks become available.

  8. Bookmarks are searchable. Search for the bookmark that corresponds to the Full dataset.