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Staging Requirements

Key Requirements

O/S User / Privileges
  1. Delphix O/S user which is identical to the cassandra software installer O/S user. Script to create Delphix O/S user:
  2. Delphix O/S user must have read, write and execute privileges on:
    • Cassandra Install Path: Location where software binaries are installed.
  3. The Cassandra installation on the staging environment must have the same version as the source environment.
  4. There must be a directory on the target environment where you can install the Delphix Plugin. This directory should have 2GB of available storage.
  5. Empty folder on host to mount nfs filesystem. This is just and empty folder with no space requirements and act as base folder for nfs mounts.
  6. Ensure any login banners similar to the one in the image below must be disabled on the staging host. Screenshot
  7. The Delphix OS user account requires privilege elevation specifications. Here is an example specification for the sudo privileges for mount, umount, ip on the staging host.
    Defaults:delphix !requiretty
    delphix ALL=NOPASSWD:/bin/mount,/bin/umount,/sbin/ip
  8. Install the OS utilities on the staging host to ensuring smooth execution of automated processes.
    • expect : The utility plays a crucial role in automating interactive processes on the staging host.